
The Properties a command-file can have

File structure: Commands Folder -> Category Folder -> -> Command File

module.exports = {
    // The command-name
    name: "ping",
    // The command-description
    description: "pingi",
    // The command-options
    options: null,
    // Whether the command is in development or not
    development: false,
    // The cooldown of the command in seconds, default is 1 second
    cooldown: 1,
    // The permissions required by the client to perform that command
    clientPermissions: ["SEND_MESSAGES", "VIEW_CHANNEL"],
    // The permissions required by the user to perform that command
    userPermissions: ["VIEW_CHANNEL"],
    // This allows you to ignore the file in the loading process
    ignoreLoading: false,
    // The code to run that command
    run: ({interaction, client, tdhandler, user, member}) => {
            content: "hi commander sir commander",

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