This class allows you to start a new Instance of TDHandler
This is an example of every option, every option is optional as long as you don't use a feature requiring it:
newTDInstance({ handling: {// The directory the other paths are oriented to baseDir: __dirname,// The directory your events are located in eventsDir:"./events",// The directory your commands are located in commandsDir:"./commands",// The directory your buttons are located in buttonsDir:"./buttons",// The directory your context menus are located in contextDir:"./context", }, logging: {// The ID of the channel your commands should be logged in commandsID:"0123456789",// The ID of the channel your buttons should be logged in buttonsID:"0123456789",// The ID of the channel your context menus should be logged in contextID:"0123456789",// The ID of the channel everything other should be logged in othersID:"0123456789" }, embeds: {// The options for different default-embeds warningEmbed: { color:"RED", title:"warning", footer:"warn", footerIcon:"", timestamp:false, }, defaultEmbed: { color:"BLUE", footer:"default", footerIcon:"", timestamp:false, }, loggingEmbed: { color:"YELLOW", timestamp:false, }, },// The members of your team team: [ { tag:"Rick Astley", id:"0123456789", position:"meme", }, ], testing: {// The ID of your testbot botID:"0123456789",// The ID of your testguild guildID:"0123456789", }});