
This class allows you to start a new Instance of TDHandler


This is an example of every option, every option is optional as long as you don't use a feature requiring it:

new TDInstance({
    handling: {
        // The directory the other paths are oriented to
        baseDir: __dirname, 
        // The directory your events are located in
        eventsDir: "./events",
        // The directory your commands are located in
        commandsDir: "./commands",
        // The directory your buttons are located in
        buttonsDir: "./buttons",
        // The directory your context menus are located in
        contextDir: "./context",
    logging: {
        // The ID of the channel your commands should be logged in
        commandsID: "0123456789",
        // The ID of the channel your buttons should be logged in
        buttonsID: "0123456789",
        // The ID of the channel your context menus should be logged in
        contextID: "0123456789",
        // The ID of the channel everything other should be logged in
        othersID: "0123456789"
    embeds: {
        // The options for different default-embeds
        warningEmbed: {
            color: "RED",
            title: "warning",
            footer: "warn",
            footerIcon: "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Ia-never-gonna-give-you-up-rick-astley-trionfale-remaster-4k-v3-500421.jpg",
            timestamp: false,
        defaultEmbed: {
            color: "BLUE",
            footer: "default",
            footerIcon: "https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Ia-never-gonna-give-you-up-rick-astley-trionfale-remaster-4k-v3-500421.jpg",
            timestamp: false,
        loggingEmbed: {
            color: "YELLOW",
            timestamp: false,
    // The members of your team
    team: [
            tag: "Rick Astley",
            id: "0123456789",
            position: "meme",
    testing: {
        // The ID of your testbot
        botID: "0123456789",
        // The ID of your testguild
        guildID: "0123456789",


getClient: returns the Client of the current Instance getChannel: returns a Channel object log: allows you to log something if the logging channels createEmbed: creates a customized MessageEmbed

Last updated